ah25 Silver Jubilee Agenda

Summits and Revival Services

Day 1 - Sunday, 4th August

1st Service

Speaker: Apostle Wyatt Fabe
ModeratorPastor Emma Gberekpee
08:00 am - 10:30 am (GMT+2)

2nd Service

Speaker: Pastor Tonya Hill
Moderator: Pastor Patrick Gatungo
11:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Official Opening 

Rise and Build unity among African countries as one nation. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Intro of AH2024: Apostle Dr Paul Gitwaza
Guest of Honor: Archbishop Laurent Mbanda
Speaker: Prof Vincent Anigbogu
Moderator: Pastor JB Kanyangoga
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm (GMT+2)

Day 2 - Monday, 5th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Venue: Foursquare Gospel Church of Rwanda - Kimironko

Speaker: Mr Dumi Lopang
What does God’s altar and a satanic altar look like in a business context and how does building one and destroying the other contribute to the overall success of a business?

Speaker: Apostle Dr Samuel Hayes
How to work strategically with ungodly business partners? 
Venue: Calvary Fellowship Ministries - Kimironko

Speaker: Apostle Linda Gobodo
Why is intercession key in building the altar to the Lord and destroying the satanic altar?

Speaker: Apostle Wyatt Fabe & Team
What role can intercessors play in promoting healthy relationships among African nations?
Venue: Zion Temple CC - Gatenga

Speaker: Rev Dr Antoine Rutayisire
How can Churches and ministries build the altar to the Lord that will destroy the satanic altars in communities?

Speaker: Bishop Titus Masika
What are some of the satanic altars that have bedeviled African nations and how can we as a church expose and destroy them?
Venue: EAR - Remera

Speaker: Apostle Dr. Philip Igbinijesu
Why is it important to build the altar to the Lord and destroy satanic altars in our families?

Speaker: Prof Vincent Anigbogu
What joint efforts can be made between African nations to tackle common challenges affecting our families?
Venue: ULK - Gisozi

Speaker: Prof. Obii Pax-Harry
How can we build the altar to the Lord that will dismantle satanic ideologies and practices within the educational systems?

Speaker: Dr Henry Mugisha
What are the visible satanic altars that are influencing the sphere of education?

Revival Meeting

Rise and Build the altar to the Lord and Destroy the satanic altar. Isaiah 19:19-20
Word of Greeting: Pastor Dr Henry Mugisha Dr. Birlie Belay
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Fessehaye T.
Moderator: Apostle Ronald Nkuranga 
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 3 - Tuesday, 6th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Venue: Foursquare Gospel Church of Rwanda - Kimironko

Speaker: Pastor Dr Henry Mugisha
How to encourage and raise Godly business owners to advance the Kingdom of God?

Speaker: Prof Vincent Anigbogu
Why are Godly values and principles critical in the business world and how do they translate into prosperous corporations and national economies?
Venue: Calvary Fellowship Ministries - Kimironko

Speaker: Apostle Yemi Adefarasin
Interpreting and relating with the intercessory prayer of Nehemiah as African intercessors.

Speaker: Apostle Linda Gobodo
How does incorporating intercession in all other spheres enhance the wellbeing of churches, families, schools, businesses as well as communities?
Venue: Zion Temple CC - Gatenga

Speaker: Bishop Dr. Titus Masika
How can the African church contribute to the socio-economic development of Africa.

Speaker: Bishop Joseph Mattera
What caliber of church leaders do we need to prevent the moral failures among church and ministry leaders?

Venue: EAR - Remera

Speaker: Dr Gahungu Bunini
How does upholding Godly values and principles impact the relationships and stability in families?

Speaker: Prof. Obii Pax-Harry
Many modern cultural and societal norms conflict with Godly values and principles. How can a family maintain Godly values in this secular world?
Venue: ULK - Gisozi

Speaker: Prof. Alfred Bizoza
What best education practices from other countries can be adapted into African education systems and how would international partnerships and strategic alliance improve the quality of our education?

Speaker: Apostle Dr Samuel Hayes
With the current satanic agenda to influence the moral and spiritual atmosphere in the education system, how can we redeem and protect our schools and why is it very important?

Revival Meeting

Rise and Build spiritual walls: God’s values and principles in Africa. Nehemiah 2:17
Word of Greeting: Prof Obii Pax-Harry  & Bishop Titus Masika
Speaker: Apostle Victor Mokgotlhoa
Moderator: Bishop Leonard M.
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 4 - Wednesday, 7th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Venue: Foursquare Gospel Church of Rwanda - Kimironko

Speaker: Apostle Atsalie Yasmir 
How can the African diaspora leverage partnerships with African firms, governments and NGO to promote economic development?

Speaker: Apostle Dr Samuel Hayes
What role can the African diaspora and people of African descent play in enhancing global competitiveness of African businesses?
Venue: Calvary Fellowship Ministries - Kimironko

Speaker: Apostle David Bansie
How can the diaspora and people of African descent build collective resilience and spiritual solidarity with communities in Africa through intercession?

Speaker: Bishop Titus Masika
What strategies can be used to mobilize and coordinate prayer networks focused on intercession for Africa?
Venue: Zion Temple CC - Gatenga

Speaker: Dr. Birlie Belay
How to engage African churches to partner and pray for Israel?

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Fessehaye T.
How can we mobilize to evangelize and engage all the scattered people of African descent to work in unity towards rebuilding Africa (Ex. of Israel)?
Venue: EAR - Remera

Speaker: Apostle Isaac Leslie
What is the state of families of African diaspora and people of African descent in the western countries? How to help them?

Speaker: Apostle Victor Mokgotlhoa
How can the African diaspora and people of African descent preserve Godly values and pass them down to the next generations?
Venue: ULK - Gisozi

Speaker: Dr Charles Muligande
How can the African diaspora and people of African descent practically contribute to the advancement of education in Africa?

Speaker: Speaker: Prof. Obii Pax-Harry
How can the African diaspora contribute to ‘quality’ education in Africa (education that imparts the right skills needed to solve problems)?

Revival Meeting

Role of diaspora and people of African descent in rebuilding Africa. Isaiah 49:12 
Word of Greeting: Pastor Tonya Hill, Apostle Dr Samuel & Andrea Hayes
Speaker: Apostle Dr. Philip Igbinijesu
Moderator: Pastor Jerome Muhirwa
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 5 - Thursday, 8th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

The role of the media in advancing God’s Kingdom in Africa

A discussion on how different destructive narratives have been propagated by the media among Africans on all the spheres of influence - family, religion, government, education etc. And how the media can be used to rebuild the walls.
Panel: Pastor Felin Gakwaya, Mr Dumi Lopang, Mr Aimable Rukundo
Moderator: Pastor Didier

Revival Meeting

Rise and Build a healthy relationship with other nations. Isaiah 19:23
Word of Greeting: Mr Dumi Lopang & Apostle Linda Gobodo
Speaker: Bishop Joseph Mattera
Moderator: Pastor Emmanuel Gberekpee
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 6 - Friday, 9th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

The role of the Entertainment and Sports mountain in advancing God’s Kingdom in Africa

A discussion on how entertainment and sports platforms are being used to influence African youth negatively. And how the same platforms can be used to rebuild the walls - inspiring the Africa talent to excellence. Dismantling Satanic altars in Africa.
Panel: Apostle Dr. Philip Igbinijesu, Mr. Kamasa, Pastor Kennedy M. , Pastor Dr Henry M
Moderator: Pastor Floribert Nzabakira

Revival Meeting

Build a strong army of missionaries to the 7 mountains and the world. Genesis 14:14-16 
Word of Greeting: Apostle Atsalie Yasmir & Apostle David Bansie
Speaker: Apostle Dr. Francis Mbadinga
Moderator: Pastor Wilondja M. David
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 7 - Saturday, 10th August

Morning Sessions  | 09:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Youth Arise
Bishop Joseph Mattera & Apostle Dr Samuel Hayes
Women Arise
Pastor Tonya Hill, Mrs. Louise Elizabeth Isaac, Mrs. Andrea Marsh Hayes, Prof. Obii Pax-Harry, and Apostle Linda Gobodo
Men Arise
Apostle David Bansie, Apostle Atsalie Yasmir, Mr Dumi Lopang, and  Apostle Isaac Leslie

Revival Meeting

Wisdom is the principal asset to build the nation. Proverbs 4:7
Word of Greeting: Apostle Isaac & Mrs Leslie
Speaker: Apostle Yemi Adefarasin
Moderator: Bishop Laurent Mukwiza
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm  (GMT+2)

Day 8 - Sunday, 11th August

1st Service

Speaker: Dr. Birlie. B & Rev. Dr. Fessehaye
Moderator: Pastor Espoir Furaha
8:00 am - 10:30 am (GMT+2)

2nd Service

Speaker: Apostle Dr. Philip Igbinijesu
Moderator: Pastor Robert Runazi
11:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT+2)

Revival Meeting 

Speaker: Apostle Dr Paul Gitwaza
Moderator: Pastor Angelique Nyinawingeli
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm (GMT+2)