Mountain of Media

On the fifth day of the Africa Haguruka conference Rise and Build, we held a summit focused on the "Mountain of Media, moderated by Pastor Didier Habimana. He welcomed a diverse panel of speakers, including Pastor Felin Gakwaya, Mr. Aimable Rukundo, Apostle Phillip Obinigesu, and Pastor Dumi Lupango. They shared their insights and expertise on how the church recognizes the harmful narratives spread by the media and the importance of the church in taking an active role in rebuilding the foundations of influence across various spheres, such as family, religion, education, and more.
Pastor Didier Habimana

Pastor Didier Habimana

Title: The role of the media in advancing God’s Kingdom in Africa

Speaker: Pastor Felin Gakwaya

Pastor Felin Gakwaya

In this day and age, there are various social media platforms replaced the traditional media powerhouse including Facebook with 3.05 billion MAUs, WhatsApp with  2.78 billion MAUS, YouTube with 2.49 billion MAUs, Instagram with 2.04 billion MAUs, WeChat with 1.32 billion MAUs, TikTok with 1.22 billion MAUs, and others like Telegram and Snapchat with a couple of million of users across the globe.

As of May 2024, there are over 5.07 billion users on social media worldwide and Facebook is renowned to be the most popular social media platform with over 50% of traffic generation capabilities. In Rwanda, there are other platforms used such as X formerly known as Twitter, Pinterest, and more.

Traditionally we had media powerhouses such as CNN, Aljazilla, and Voice of Africa. Numbers illustrate that in the US, over 500 million have moved from these media powerhouses. There is a problem that these media platforms have been propaganda machines.

There are destructive messages that are conveyed through these media platforms such as the exploitation of women of color. In a story written in 2015 by Fatima Solomon, “she said that women of color such as Beyonce and Rihanna abused them and this was done to undermine women of color. A story by reporter “Joe Carter” said that these social media platforms impact children; and that one of the effects of long usage of these platforms is that today approximately range of 95 percent of teenagers and over 40% of children have access. It disrupts their thinking and they experience anxiety and depression.

Even though TikTok was invented by China it was prohibited because of the unacceptable content, nations should be intentional in stopping this act and continuously allowing this content, especially to young people. Research has proven there is much unrealistic content on social media that causes health issues which can be heart issues all due to this content thereby affecting their lives.

A story written by Mariana Spring states “Are these social media platforms the cause or the root of the violent riots in Sydney?” How social media platforms are used is leading to violence and misconceptions of information.

The wrong usage of social media platforms affects the mountain of family where there is a constant portrayal of a non-patriarchal Family, or men as totally out of touch with family reality. (Example of BLM - Black Lives Matter - movement and its slogan being to " Dads to media: we are not idiots. 

Also on the mountain of religion any religious views held on Israel, on gender, on pro-life against abortion, and truth, being absolute are seen and described as bigoted views· And people with such views are called "dinosaurs". But these are generally the views that most of Africa hold. The NIV and English Standard Version (ESV) have now removed 64,575 words from the Bible including Jehovah, Calvary, Holy Ghost, and omnipotent to name but a few... The NIV and ESV have also now removed 45 complete verses. 

On the education mountain where on these social media platforms they are communicated that the world is evolving and various publish

How can we constructively use social media platforms to rebuild Africa’s narrative: 
  • Use our power as consumers to denounce media
  • Establish or support Christian news outlets, These often exist but are not supported by Christians
  • Protect young people from corrosive media by raising awareness, and being alert to the different schemes of media to destroy Godly values.

8 Key Techniques on how you can impact media

  • Professionally accurate and balanced reporting: focus on diversity highlighting the continent’s diversity and communicating the positive stories of progress, innovation, and success.
  • Amplifying African voices: local journalists must portray Africa tell authentic stories and create a platform for Africans to share their perspectives and experiences
  • Promoting education and awareness: media literacy to educate the public about media bias and stereotypes and advance cultural exchange programs between Africa and the rest of the world.
  • Economic empowerment through media: Content creation to support the growth of African-led media and content creation industries and promote Job Creation to invest in media and job creation opportunities.
  • Partnership and collaboration: collaborating with media production houses to control the narrative of the shared stories.
  • Leveraging technology: using various rising digital platforms to fight and deny the misconceptions and wrong content uploaded on various social media.
  • Challenging stereotypes: Oppose different stereotypes by replacing them with crafted narratives for the redemption of souls.
  • Promoting Unity and reconciliation: fighting against gender or race discrimination that is shared across these networks.
Psalms 132:28 shows us His enemies I will clothe with shame, But upon Himself, His crown shall flourish. It is our responsibility to rise for the building of Africa by acting on the current problems within Media Mountain which can be turned into a solution for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in our beautiful continent of Africa.

Topic: Technologies that we can leverage to build Africa

Speaker: Mr Aimable Rukundo

Mr Aimable Rukundo

Proverbs 22: 29: we need skills and capacity within the church for us to implement and convey constructive messages through the media.

Many of the contents on the internet are mostly automated by programmed systems. there is content that they want to see where there are various notifications of irrelevant content from various social media platforms that you have allowed notifications from numerous social media platforms. In the book of Proverbs 14:15, the word tells us that we should be prudent and give thought to our steps.

Technology was initially introduced for a good purpose. I have been in the tech field for over 17 years as a software engineer where I create websites. There are various advantages to the use of technology where it can facilitate work and promote productivity but at the same time, it is destructive. Notifications can be a reminder for important events. The word of God in the book of Romans 12:1-2 tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Technology is not inherently good or bad the message that is put determines if it is good or bad hence we need to be prudent as Christians to share authentic information.

In Rwanda, you can request services through technology, it can also be used to spread the gospel. But also social media can be used to distract us when it is not well used. As Christians, how do we leverage the use of technology, do we prioritize status responses on Facebook or answer emails from clients or other productive ways that technology can serve? How is technology forming your kids/family? It is constructively evolving your family or pilling is away from each other

“We are formed in the image of what we habitually gaze at. The habits of our hearts follow the habits of our phones.”

In developed countries, there are automated systems that stop unwanted content from entering their technology through 5G where they have augmented reality and expanded IoT ecosystems. AI (Artificial Intelligence) which now enhances decision-making, automates tasks, and personalized user experiences. Where e-Commerce systems such as Amazon recommend some goods because they have assessed our interests through searches and likes. There is advanced robotics that assists in medical procedures and enhances personal and professional services. Which is applied to industrial robots and surgical robots. The imminent use of IoT impacts connections of devices to the internet allowing the introduction of smarter homes, cities, and industries.

 In our current finance, there is Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies which revolutionize finance by enabling secure, decentralized transactions and smart contracts. It is applied in Bitcoin decentralized finance(DeFi) and supply chain transparency. There is also Virtual Reality which creates immersive experiences for entertainment education and training which is highly effective and used in medical training simulations. Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems faster than classical computers applied in Cryptography and optimization problems, drug discovery, and material science research.

There are more advanced technology devices such as smart watches that are used in enhancing personal health monitoring and connectivity. These can be smartwatches. Fitness trackers and health monitoring devices. So we must take part to determine in what way we can use technology to spread the gospel.

Topic: Effective usage of Media through churches

Speaker:  Dr. Philip Igbinijesu

Apostle Pastor Felin Gakwaya

Media is defined as any means of communication that reaches or influences people widely.
As a church, we should not be passive to the power of media by leveraging the media to share perspectives and disseminate the right information and we have a mandate to constructively entertain through media. The church’s ignorance of the power of these media platforms has led to the exodus of many Christians from the church due to the world of media entertainment.

In the beginning, the church used media to spread the gospel through printing bibles, today the media is through digital devices and this is where the church has been left behind. Media is all about controlling narratives. The first question that God asked a man in Genesis 3:11 is what is the source of your information. The reason for change and malfunction is wrong information. In Malachi 2: 14 the word tells us that we have a large space to spread the word and as the church we must create content that attracts people to Christ.

The biblical basis, in the books of 1 Chronicles 16:34, Mark 5: 20, and Mark 1: 45 illustrates the impact of the effective use of media proclaiming to all what was happened and made people come to Christ. Psalms 68: 11 shows how God wants us to leverage media to spread the gospel, we should use it at a higher level to effectively use it to attract people.

12 areas of focus for effective media use:
How do we get the upper hand mastery for the use of media as the church
  • Through leadership: the church is second when it comes to leadership yet the bible describes the church as the pillar of leadership. How can we establish superiority without leadership?
  • Ideas dissemination: Superiority in the media where we should mold our teaching culture and you can evaluate power through their media power which portrays an image of how it is. You can establish a local media but have a global outreach.
  • Publicity/ visibility
  • Culture molding
  • Increase in following(members, clients)
  • Fund generation

Negative media use has a spirit behind it which affects our families, youth, and our community. We should allow the Holy Spirit to come and change us.

Benefits of effective media use:
  • Enhanced brand and fan loyalty 
  • Reach more people 
  • Easier feedback mechanism 
  • Neutral platform for competitive advantage 
  • Public validation and approval 
  • Local operation, global reach.

Negative usage of media:
  • Spiritual Manipulation 
  • Over sexualization
  • Political propaganda and polarization 
  • Fear Mongering 
  • Cyberbullying and harassment 
  • Deliberate misinformation 
  • Violation of privacy 
  • Cultural stereotyping and bias 
  • Modern imperialism 
  • Commercial Exploitation 
  • Erosion of public trust 
  • Exploitation of tragedies

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 shows us that we should teach our children the bible. In our families, children and their parents now communicate through these media platforms, and there is no more

Dr. Phillip “The dominant narrative, the pervasive information that is everywhere today will determine the culture of our families, and societies tomorrow and to change we must pervade every media space to ensure that we control narratives that spread out there.”

Topic: Need to invoke the gospel in circular spheres

Speaker: Mr Dumi Lopang
The kingdom of God is about power and not words.
What is the kingdom of God? - God’s purpose to come on earth was to teach us what the 

The Bible in the books of Luke 4:43, Mark 1:15, Matthew 6: 33, and Luke 17: 20-21 talks about Jesus teaching of the kingdom of God. There is no way we can advance the kingdom of God without understanding what the Kingdom of God is. If we believe that we are spiritual beings, then anytime we interact with people it is spiritual. Isaiah 11: 2 tells us of the Spirit of God and what has been impacted unto us which is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, and the Spirit of knowledge.

To transform we must know their culture. One definition of culture is the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Culture can also be defined as the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguish one group from another then from others. It can be transferred through languages, material objects, rituals, institutions from one generation to another. Culture is dynamic and not static, God confirmed the culture in his time. When Christianity came to Africa it was enveloped in the Western culture and it was viewed in that way. It is possible for us to express our faith in Christianity and still embrace our African culture.

It is disappointing that we are learning the Western culture through social media platforms. In Romans 12:2 where Paul tells people not to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of minds. Social media is killing our moral fiber. Romans 1: 16 teaches us that we must praise God all the time. This shows regardless of the Western culture, we have seen how they started to remove God from their education system.

South Africa after acquiring its independence they were given the title of the most progressive constitution in the world. And it encouraged other African countries to change their constitutions. The bible in the book of Colossians 2:3 tells us that through Christ we can get God’s wisdom which can help us to deal with the influence of the West on our nations primarily through media.

How can African media combat this system:
How can we change these narratives to redemption messages, the honor is in conveying the good message. A negative message goes against Psalms 23. Circular messages have a purpose and hence the church should be deliberate in crafting a narrative. If we can use the various social media platforms to illuminate our mindset, we can advance the kingdom of God. The people who listen and understand the teaching through Christian platforms are Christians, for the church to impact the non-believers we should invade the circular world to convey a new message.
A company in Botswana designed a model that encourages people to change from their current bank to theirs by using their feelings and emotions which attract them. The church should utilize the same strategies to change the mindset of many through those media platforms.
Africans should use the knowledge that God has given us to change the narratives that used to be conveyed on circular platforms and we will be seeing Godly message narratives hence advancing the kingdom of God in our nations across Africa.

Q&A session

Is citizen journalism bad and does it always arise from propaganda? - Pastor Felin
Media is good or bad depending on what you put on it. Good messages teach and for bad as I shared earlier they convey false agendas. We have a key role in denying any misconceptions that are shared and if you have 

Technology is quickly established in various ways. How can the church trust these software engineers when the AIs are introduced? With evolving technology won’t it reduce church gatherings?
Take beneficial and constructive information on media platforms, there is a low quantity of content that we remain with as we visit them hence take content that makes you effective and advances your work. There is research that says that AI will surpass human knowledge. The creation of AI imitates Neuro which needs analytic thinking and people to reason so it will require human knowledge to create digital devices. 

Where did the church stop in the media evolution, and what can you tell to pastors who want to invest in the media?

Apostle Philip 
The media revolution was led by the church which used the media to print Bibles in the 1600s, it was easy for the church to do that because they used God’s manner to convey the commandments through writing. However, the church has delayed understanding the mass media like televisions. “Every good thing comes from God” and God wants us to leverage it for his purpose and the church should take church to show the importance of media in teachings. Churches have a tendency not to fight against the bad content. We are passive and move from it but we should take it and clean it to be used for the purpose of God.
“Every means that can be used to disseminate the gospel is acceptable”
“To reign, to rule, and to dominate”  the church should leverage technologies such as AI, robotics, and more for the advancement of the gospel.

Mr. Dumi Lupang:
In the 1960s, media platforms were invaded by people who produced sexual and unholy content. This community that was in charge of evaluating the content that should be shared, included bishops, and in the invasion of this content where there was a high request of inappropriate content they quit. The people who replaced them started to rate the movies with different age levels. With time, now there are cartoons of homosexuals. It is essential for the church to lead on every mountain until Christ comes back with no backing up as they are giving the devil space to take part.

Closing remarks by Apostle Paul M. Gitwaza stated “In sub-Saharan Africa, there are 760 Million and the youth is over 50%. Hence the means to preach the gospel should be digitalized. And if the Christian youth use their media platforms to convey many will be said. The bible laws were written in Africa on Mount Sinai. The sub-books were written by 72 men in Egypt. God is telling us to go back not to the stone-age period, and there was time for papyrus and pyrography where they had the scrolls and it is digital time”

We have been inspired and awakened by messages that challenge us to take action as the church for Africa. The mountain of media is a powerful sphere that can influence change across various areas, including business, family, and more. We’ve gained valuable insights on how the church should engage in influencing this mountain to further the advancement of God's Kingdom. We invite you to join us tomorrow for the "Mountain of Entertainment," where we will explore the role of entertainment and sports in advancing God’s Kingdom in Africa. Don’t plan to miss it!



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